Is to lift up the Lord Jesus Christ in a public and God honoring way all on the same day, all around the world. For He (Jesus) said if we lift Him up, He would draw all men unto Himself. We see that two are better than one (Ecc. 4:9) and that God commanded a blessing at the place of unity according to Psalms 133:1-3 and Jesus Christ prays for it in John 17
This can be a service, a time of greeting and meeting your neighbors, a health fair, a yard sale, a hot dog give away where you take names and numbers to follow up on those persons later or whatever the Lord may lead you to do. You may even call this event something else if you choose. I’m simply asking that you do something. This can be done alone; meaning just your congregation/parish or you can unite with one or more and do something in a collective way.
Can you picture this: People across denominational and ethnic lines, churches, parishes and others doing something outside their place of worship all over your city, town, state and country as representatives of Jesus Christ while demonstrating His love, care and concern for mankind?
This can be an ideal time of sharing the Father’s love for His prized creation (mankind) and a time of sharing one’s faith and ministering to needs in your community.
I’m asking that you agree and do something outside on Saturday September 17, 2016. The time to do it and how long it will last is whatever you believe God will have you to do.